Sunday, March 28, 2010

picture sharing

took quite a few pictures the other day of liam. this one i think is my favorite. we're in the car. he is starting at the elephant that hangs on his car seat.

and later he is asleep with his binkie out of his mouth.

and that cute face mommy and daddy just love!

earlier in the day i took some pictures of eric playing with him after he changed him. caught a sneeze!

and then caught a big, cheesey grin!

we took him to the dr on friday. he has been sounding kinda raspy and coughing a bit. but all is good. dr thinks it's just formula and mocus in his throat. the rasping clears up after he coughs. she can hear it more in his nasal cavity than anywhere else. i am not feeling good. major headache. extremely tired. scratchy throat. eric is starting to feel the same way. i hope we both don't feel like crap together.

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