Wednesday, May 05, 2010

a year ago

on the 26th of april we took liam in to get his 4 month shots. i got to thinking while we were in the room waiting for the nurse, it was a year ago the next day that i was just 10 feet away having blood drawn to check my hcg levels to see where they were at. i had a positive pregnancy test there. now time to draw blood to check to make sure the levels were doubling. little did i know that a year later i would have my son in that tiny room. i looked into the room watching a mother and her child while getting my blood drawn hoping all would be ok after 3 other loses. i cried because i was scared of another loss. but god works miracles and i have liam jackson to prove it.

what a difference a year makes. it has been an amazing ride. i couldn't be more happier in my life as i am now. i am anxiously awaiting my first mothers day. i have waited so many years for that. i longed to be the one receiving gifts from their little one. now it is finally my time. i'm so excited. i'm so happy to share mother's day with my mom and my child. i can not wait! thank you god for making my dream come true.

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