Sunday, December 11, 2011

this week in photos

ahh, love my new phone. this one will allow  me to use the usb cord to get photos off my phone. old one made me email them. not fun! so, hopefully a lot more photos to share on sundays! :) plus, i hear that instagram is coming to android! cue angels singing!!!!

this kid loves pudding and if you don't watch him this is what the result is....

he is growing so fast! hard to believe that he will be 2 on the 21st!

i love ribbon candy. we used to get it at the farmers market. i found this at walmart, $1.98 for a box. good but  not as good as what we used to get. :)

i follow starbucks on twitter. they had a sale on their packages of instant coffee. score!!!!

liam had his picture taken with santa. i took a picture of the picture...too lazy to scan it. haha

this isn't new, found this while going through photos on my phone. he'll probably kill me for this. oh well, don't stick your tongue out!

until instagram comes to android, i used mytubo and steamzoo to edit my photos. with this new phone i am going to love taking pictures on it. :)

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