Sunday, December 04, 2011

this week in pictures!

i tried to get a good picture of the "dottie balls" on the tree outside. to me this is a great fall picture.

i love the sky when it does this! used "mytubo" on my phone to edit the photos.

i need a new tony cup. how long has he been #14???

liam loves music. i let him listen to my head phones on my phone. ohhhh he loves it!!! no ipod for christmas, ok!

what is the difference????

the breakfast of champions! ha

my pitt state donut in honor of the game. we won and will be in the playoff game to decide who will go to the championship!!!

totally forgot about advent calenders till someone has mentioned it on facebook. had to get the dude one. he has no idea what it is about but loves the candy he gets out of it!

have a great week!!!

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