Monday, January 09, 2012

this week in pictures

i'm glad i started doing this. i can use this when i work on my project life album. it reminds me to take pictures. i've been talking a lot more and more of stuff that i want to remember like this....

oh how i would love to be able to buy women's shoes. but i was blessed with big and wide feet so i have to buy men's shoes. before i had liam i could wear an 11 women's if it was wide. i love all the colors of shoes. sigh....mens' shoes are boring.

i finished reading hunger games. can not wait to get the 2nd book. need to make a trip to the library to see if they have it.

ahh...nothing like a book store! i love hastings. being surrounded by books and magazines and music!!! love!

i love sunsets. my camera didn't pick up the 6 jet streams that was going at once. love how the sky comes to live with jet streams.

a much needed coffee on friday waiting for mom's surgery to get over. we had no idea it would take 8 hours. they bypassed her main artery in her left leg with an artificial one. she has complete blood flow in her leg now. her recovery has been amazing! go mom!!!!

they brought the arcade back to the mall. since liam loves balls we had to play basketball! grandpa robson is showing him how to put the token in. yeah...he caught on fast and kept asking for tokens. that's my boy!

eric decided to play the motorcycle game since there as a credit. i thought he was just playing on it. nope....

another end to another great day in my life.

hug someone day. i'm sure they need it.

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