just 2 more weeks then eric goes back to work. one week after that i do. i'm not ready to go back. i wish i could afford to stay at home but there's no way i can. he's starting to be more alert. starting to coo more. it's so fun to watch. he focuses more on things around him. his cord is about to fall off. it is barely hanging on. i'm expecting to change his diaper and it will be in there anytime now.
we're going over to stephanie's on tuesday to have a little photo shoot with liam. i really want to get some good pictures of him. going to see about having this guy that used to come into taco station do some of him as well. he has a photography business on the side.
we went to a bridal fair this weekend. omg....everything is so expensive. i really want fx studios to do the pictures but they are over $2,000 to do it. totally out of our price range. may have to ask matt about doing our wedding as well. photos are the most important part for me. fx studios had some albums out. omg...so awesome. i wish we could afford it but that's ok. as long as i have photos to look back on that day, that is all that matters. seeing the prices of things, i realize now that we are going to have to do a lot on our own. wonder if i can make a bouquet? hmmm may have to look up martha stewart and see what she has to say.
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