Sunday, July 31, 2011

week in the life day, saturday

didn't take too many pictures today either. but i am sure today, sunday, i will have a lot to take since eric's family is coming! yay!!!!

another healthy choice for our breakfast break. yeah...i need to eat more healthy!

i had to run to payless at lunch to get some shoes for my interview.

i had an interview at at&t. it went really good. the only bad thing, i would be losing quite a bit per hour, so i won't be taking it even if i did get it.

we got a much needed storm but it didn't last long. there was a chance of rain but we didn't know it was going to storm. all the sudden there is this loud thunder and liam screams!!! it lasted about 20 minutes. the rain, not his screaming lol

eric made dinner! it is his own little experiment that is really good!!!

that is it for today. :)

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