Wednesday, July 27, 2011

week in the life day, tuesday

the beginning of the work week for us. blah!

must stop and get some coffee at mcdonald's because i am out of coffee at home.

and where do we work?

and i work in the...

here is our locker!

here is eric at break. we usually have a donut and a pepsi at break. healthy!

at lunch we went to hastings so he could get the new book by sam butcher.

at our 2nd break i looked to see if the sports illustrated had any nascar articles. i found an ad with tony in it! i love tony stewart! #14!

back at home, after we ate liam wants to climb up the recliner...

here's eric playing xbox.

liam, sitting in his chair and watches daddy play xbox. sometimes he will hold the extra controller and pretend he is playing too!

that is all for tuesday. didn't take as many pictures since i worked.

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